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Research practice of undergraduates

2024-02-05 | Science

In accordance with the working School plan and academic calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year from 22.01.2024 to 21.04.2024, undergraduates of the 2nd year of the natural and mathematical faculty under the educational program 7m01503-Computer Science were sent to the following places of practice:

1. Diana Berikkanovna-Department of physical and Mathematical Sciences and computer science of NAO "Shakarim University of Semey";

2. Umbetova Aruzhan Orazkhanovna-KSU "secondary school-Lyceum No. 22", Semey;

3. Myrzabekov Serikbol Toktauovich-KSU "Secondary School-kindergarten named after sh. Ualikhanov" in Yeginsu village, Urdzhar district, Abay region;

4. Islam Zakharovich Nukarov-KSU "Bauyrzhan Momyshuly secondary school", Urdzhar district, Abay region;

5. Kaisaev Temirlan Bolatovich-KSU "General Education Secondary School No. 19";

6. Temirlan Nurlanovich Kumpeisov-KSU "General Education Secondary School No. 19" - KSU "Secondary School No. 47 named after Akhmet Baitursynov";

7. Kairollaeva Ayaulym Adilgazykyzy - Abay region, Abay district, sarzhal village, KSU "Sh.Tokzhigitov secondary school" ;


The terms of the agreement for the passage of graduate students from the above places of practice have been concluded. 

Head of practice from the Department PhD L. M. Kydyralina.
