The main criterion for the completion of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors is the acquisition of at least 212 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 21 credits of practice, not 8 credits for the preparation of diplomas. Total 240 credits.
4 years.
Awarded degree / qualificationBachelor of Education in the educational program
Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialistEducator. High school teacher
OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)6
Area of professional activity physics teacher research institutions; secondary schools, and secondary vocational educational institutions; government authorities; organizations of various forms of ownership, using the methods of physics in their work; state enterprises and institutions. officials in educational organizations (Director of a general educational institution, Deputy Directors for teaching and educational work, etc.) methodologist in educational organizations; specialist in the field of pedagogical sciences; in research institutions
Object of professional activity- A physics teacher. - - Specialist in the implementation of STEAM learning elements, innovative technologies. - specialist in conducting physical research, using modern methods. processing, analysis and synthesis of physical information. - analytical and technological specialist in the field of experimental and theoretical physics.
Types of professional activity Apply modern pedagogical technologies in teaching physics; plan and carry out research work in the field of pedagogical sciences; conducting scientific and pedagogical activities in educational institutions; organizational and managerial; socio-pedagogical; teaching and educational; educational and technological.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The purpose of the module "Worldview" is to introduce students to the circle of philosophical-anthropological, socio-historical, ethical-cultural and economic-legal problems of our time.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Fundamental Physics is a unique educational program that aims at in–depth professional training in the field of theoretical and experimental fundamental physics.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Fundamental Physics is a unique educational program that aims at in–depth professional training in the field of theoretical and experimental fundamental physics.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Theory and technology of teaching physics is a discipline in the system of methodical and professional training of a physics teacher. 4 It describes the patterns and features of studying a school physics course.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Theory and technology of teaching physics is a discipline in the system of methodical and professional training of a physics teacher. 4 It describes the patterns and features of studying a school physics course
Learning outcomes for the module:
Interdisciplinary interaction helps to expand the boundaries of the subject area and form a common professional subject field.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Interdisciplinary interaction helps to expand the boundaries of the subject area and form a common professional subject field.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module is based on the study of theories of sociology related to the names of key foreign and domestic scientists who have contributed to the development of sociology.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Instrumental competencies include cognitive abilities - the ability to understand and use ideas and considerations.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Module "Generation of healthy lifestyle" Task: to promote the development of students' motivation to make an informed choice of the value of life and health, skills of a safe and creative lifestyle.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Special competence is related to the professional activity of a teacher, his knowledge and skills.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Special competence is related to the professional activity of a teacher, his knowledge and skills.
Learning outcomes for the module:
"The reflexive practice of a teacher as a factor in improving the teaching process." This is either a division of the whole into parts, or a mental or written description of the action.
Learning outcomes for the module:
The module "Physical laws around us" has a practice-oriented orientation: it involves solving applied tasks that are personally significant for the student, contribute to expanding his horizons, increasing interest in the science of physics.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Methodological development is a description of the organization of the system of work on project and research activities in order to form natural science knowledge and skills