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Educational programs
6B01502 - Mathematics-Informatics
The group of educational programs B009 Math teacher training is included in the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences.

The educational program did not participate in the Atameken-2022 rating, due to the termination of the enrollment of students and/or the lack of graduation The Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Informatics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the NAO "Shakarim University of Semey" provides training on the educational program 6B01502 - "Mathematics-Informatics". The educational program for the training of teachers of mathematics and computer science has been operating since 2019. Graduates of the educational program 6B01502 - "Mathematics-Informatics" apply the acquired skills in any work that is related to the use of software, information computing techniques, communication networks and systems and the conduct of mathematical calculations. The student will be able to apply the acquired skills in analytical, scientific, design, research and technological fields. Also, EPs are in demand in small-grade schools in sparsely populated regions of the republic. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors is the acquisition of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, not 8 credits for the preparation of diplomas. Total 240 credits.
4 year
Training of a competitive specialist with professional competencies in the field of theory and methods of teaching mathematics and computer science, who knows how to apply modern information technologies at a high level, possesses theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01502-Mathematics-Informatics
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Teacher. High school teacher
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    - Teacher of mathematics and informatics; - research institutions; - middle schools, and secondary professional education institutions;  state management bodies; organizations of various forms of ownership that use the methods of mathematics and computer science in their work; - state-owned enterprises and institutions.  business, economy. officials in educational organizations (Director of a general education institution, Deputy directors for educational work, etc.) - methodologist in educational organizations; - specialist in the field of pedagogical sciences; in research institutions.
  • Object of professional activity
    - research institutions; - middle schools, and secondary professional education institutions; - state educational management bodies; - organizations of various forms of ownership that use methods of teaching mathematics and computer science in their work.
  • Types of professional activity
    - use modern pedagogical technologies in teaching mathematics and informatics; - plan and implement research work in the field of pedagogical sciences; - conducting scientific and pedagogical activities in general education organizations; - use of software and computer technology; - organizational and management; - social and pedagogical; - training and educational; - educational and technological.
Map of training modules for developing competencies

Learning outcomes for the module:

Ability to use the basic laws of natural science disciplines, methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research in solving professional problems. Has a culture of thinking, is capable of generalization, analysis, perception of information, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve it; can logically correctly, argumentatively and clearly build oral and written speech. Owns the methods of theoretical analysis of the results of observations and experiments, methods of computer modeling; use methods of mathematical analysis and are able to apply their knowledge to specific tasks; demonstrates knowledge and skills in blasticotomidae in CreateObject-oriented programming. Uses the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information; is ready to work with a computer as a means of information management; is able to use modern information and communication technologies for the creation, formation and administration of electronic educational resources. Plans standard training sessions, using didactic knowledge in integration with knowledge in a special field; is able to maintain a level of physical fitness that ensures a full-fledged activity. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge obtained in the process of studying at the university.


Learning outcomes for the module:

He is competent in the interdisciplinary fields of economics and law, the basics of anti-corruption culture, ecology and life safety, as well as the skills of entrepreneurship, leadership, and receptivity to innovation. Shows familiarity with the system of universal and national values in their unity; builds the educational process taking into account the national priorities of Kazakhstan; Is able to objectively analyze the philosophical and artistic foundations of works, historical facts related to the creative heritage of Abay Kunanbayev, Shakarim Kudaiberdiev, Mukhtar Auezov. Ready to interact with colleagues, to work in a team; aware of the social significance of his future profession, has the motivation to carry out professional activities. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge obtained in the process of studying at the university.


Learning outcomes for the module:

Observes pedagogical tact, rules of pedagogical ethics; shows respect for the personality of students; forms a tolerant attitude to a different culture, to a different way of life. Ability to correctly use the language of the subject area; knowledge of specific statements of classical problems. The ability to understand and apply modern mathematical apparatus in research and applied activities; has basic knowledge in the field of fundamental sections of elementary mathematics to the extent necessary for the application of this knowledge both for solving problems of the school course and for problems of an applied nature. Be able to solve geomeric problems; skills in solving various school problems; skills in solving various types of school text problems. Acquisition of practical skills and competencies. Mastering the best experience of professional activity in the specialty being trained and experience of organizational work.


Learning outcomes for the module:

He knows how to form students ' positive self-esteem, motivation to learn languages, civic identity and linguistic tolerance. Be able to choose the right apparatus, research methods and ways to solve problems of mathematics; formation of students ' skills in finding solutions to non-standard problems; be able to solve competitive and Olympiad problems. Is able to implement training programs of basic and elective courses in various educational institutions; mastering the best experience of professional activity in the specialty being trained and experience of organizational work; collects factual material about the production activities of the relevant organization and uses it in the development of a thesis (project).


Learning outcomes for the module:

Independently engages students in additional education system; independently initiating innovative ideas, unifying stakeholders of education (various creative unions, associations, etc.); A free use of knowledge and skills in ICT in their teaching activities in accordance with educational programmes; the decision of the pedagogical goals and objectives of modern ICT by combining acquired knowledge with the experience of their use with a view to adopting new solutions in response to changing conditions or unusual situations. Know the probabilistic and statistical laws of random processes; know parametric and nonparametric models; the ability and skills to use point and interval estimates.