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University-School cooperation

2023-03-13 | News

Within the framework of the university-school cooperation at the Department of Natural Sciences from September 2022-2023 academic year, Associate professor of the Department, Candidate of Biological Sciences Nurekenova A.N. is preparing students of grades 7-11 of the KSU "Bilim-Innovation Lyceum" for the practical round of the Chemistry Olympiad. During the training, students mastered methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, such as ion recognition, titrimetric methods for determining the composition of substances. The students won prizes at the regional stage of the Republican Chemistry competition among students of grades 9-11, held on 13.02.2023.:


1st place (Gold): Kantaev Ramazan, 11 grade, Akramov Aslanbek, 10th grade, Uvaliev Adilzhan, 9th grade.


3rd place (Bronze): Dastanuly Aziz, 9th grade, Alymuddin Abubakir, 9th grade, Tursynbek Zhandos, 10th grade.


We congratulate the winners and wish them success at the Republican stage of the competition!!!
