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Regular meeting of the student scientific circle "Chemical Society"

2023-04-19 | News

On March 31, 2023, a regular meeting of the student scientific circle "Chemical Society" was held on the topic: " Scientific and technical creativity - the beginning of START-UP ". Students of the СhB-101, Ch-001, ChB-001 groups presented STARTUP works.

Jury consisting of:

  • Sapakova Aigul Kasenkanovna
  • Nurekenova Aigul Nygmetullovna
  • Isenova Madina Kairatovna

gave their ratings.

As a result, the ChB-101 group received the "Most Creative STARTUP" nomination, the Ch-001 group the "Most Visual STARTUP", and the СhB-001 group the "Most Economical STARTUP".

Feedback from students was obtained using the Kahoot learning platform. All students took an active part.
