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Welcome students

2023-10-16 | News

Student life is one of the most beautiful and unforgettable moments of humanity. And in particular, having crossed the threshold of the university, the enrollment ceremony is a holiday that brings joy to every 1st year student.

According to the tradition of the year, on 22.09.2023 at 14: 00, the Department of Natural Sciences organized an evening of reception of first-year students "Welcome ice cream".

At the festive event, students took an oath to become worthy citizens for the benefit of the university and the country, to raise its honor, to become competitive specialists.In addition, various games were organized at this event, dances and songs were performed.The students were especially impressed this evening.

We wish the sophisticated youth success in the creation and work of the country and the feat, the embodiment of the hopes of the Elbasy for tomorrow, steps towards the beginning of the peaceful life of our sovereign country!
