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Day of the Elderly

2023-10-16 | News

On 28 September, 2023у, 1st course students of the Educational program "Biology" held an educational hour of the group on the theme "Karttarym aman zhurshi" and "Enbek - barin  zhenbek" dedicated to the Day of the Elderly and Labor.

The purpose of the event: to instill the skills of respect for the older generation and for work. The students talked about hard work, responsible attitude to the workplace, which are very important values at the moment.

The activity and interest in the content of the group's hour were supported by the game forms "cobweb", " Game KUA" and other role-playing games.

The significance of the event could be judged by the positive feedback from students.

Curators of groups B1-301,302,303 Sadykova R.A., Zhumaniyazova A.Zh.
