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“Culture in Social Networks”

2023-11-17 | News

On November 17, 2023, a group lesson “Culture in Social Networks” took place in groups ХБ-301 and ХБ-303.
The purpose of the group hour: improving the speech culture of the Kazakh language, the native language - one of the requirements of national interest. One of the most important areas of Kazakh language culture is the culture of speech and writing; the main rule for raising it to a high level is the norm of correct pronunciation and error-free writing. The influence of social networks on the development of linguistic culture in the era of technological progress should be studied in detail by Kazakh linguistics. Analyzing the scope of use of the Kazakh language, conducting research and considering ways of teaching it, giving an idea of ​​the types of Kazakh-language social network.

Group curator: Aigul Kasenkhanovna
