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2023-12-14 | News

Our forefathers, who inhabited the vast land from Altai to Alatau, dreamed of independence. This is the result of the heroic struggle of our people on the way to freedom and long-term struggle - this year marks 32 years since we became a free and independent nation!
Therefore, on 14.12.2023 The event "Independence-Foundation" was organized by the students of Geography-History at the Department of Natural Sciences.
During the event:
1. The key source of achieving our independence and freedom, which is of great historical importance, is the December event of 1986, the uprising of the Kazakh youth, and presented it to the audience.
2. He was able to convey to the youth of today the terrible situation that our Kazakhs experienced at that time, the difficult winter period.
In general, the purpose of this event is to awaken students' patriotism and educate them in patriotism.
