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Timeline for subject Olympiads

2024-02-02 | News

            The Shakarim City Semey University announces subject Olympiads and creative competitions among high school students for the award of the "Shakarim Educational Grant." 

            Subject Olympiads are held in the subjects of "Physics," "Biology," "Kazakh Language and Literature," "Russian Language and Literature," "Foreign Language," and "History" among 11th-grade students of general secondary schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums. The Olympiads consist of two rounds.

           The format of the first round is online. Applications for participation, requirements, and completion of tasks for the first stage are done through the provided links.

            The second round takes place in person (offline) at Shakarim City Semey University for each subject separately. Participants with the highest scores in the first round are eligible for the second round. Invitations, information about the date and venue, and conditions of the second stage will be sent to the qualified participants via their email from January 29, 2024, to January 31, 2024. The results of the first round will also be posted on the university's website www.shakarim.edu.kz.

           From January 29, 2024, to January 31, 2024, invitations for participation, date, and time of the creative competition will be sent to the participants' email.

           Timeline for subject Olympiads:

           - First round: January 22, 2024 – January 26, 2024 - online

           - Second round: February 5, 2024 – February 9, 2024 - offline


            Google forms for submitting applications for participation in Olympiads and competitions, as well as completing tasks for the first round, will be available only from January 22, 2024, to January 26, 2024.


          Physics:  https://forms.gle/6b6W2255apQWZ55r7
