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The subject Olympiad in traditional biology

2024-02-07 | News

On February 07, 2024, a subject Olympiad in traditional biology was held at the Department of Natural Sciences. Students from Abai, Aksuat, Ayagoz, Beskaragai, Borodulikhinsky, Zharminsky, Urdzharsky, Makanchi and Semey took part in the Olympiad.

The Olympiad consisted of two stages. 265 students competed on-line in the first round of the Olympiad, 70 students won a ticket to 2 off-line rounds in the knowledge competition. Tasks from the fields of biology were compiled for the Olympiad: botany, zoology, genetics, human and animal physiology, molecular biology.

As part of an independent jury, the M. Auezov Pedagogical College, teachers of secondary schools in Semey and candidates of sciences of the department supervised the open and fair conduct of the Olympiad.  Also, PhD, associate professor Saparova G. S. "development of meta-subject competencies is the key to effective teacher experience", PhD, Associate Professor Khromov V. A. "development of students' research skills", senior lecturer V. V.Polevik held a seminar on the topic "diversity of flora of the Abai region".

According to the results of the Olympiad, the winners were determined by the decision of the jury:

2nd place Karabekov A. A. KSU "Secondary school No. 10" ;

3rd place Akhanova A. "Naualinskaya secondary school".

Nomination "The fastest participant "Yeltai B. B." multidisciplinary gymnasium No. 5 named after Shakarim", "The smartest" Skakova N.A." Secondary school No. 25", " Intellectual"Kabdieva B. A." specialized boarding school named after Abai".

Students who took part in the off-line round of the Olympiad will be awarded certificates and letters of thanks to each subject teacher.
